Month: August 2022

Ascension, Free Will and Sovereignty

Ascension, Free Will and Sovereignty

Are Free Will and Sovereignty needed for Ascension?

The importance of free will is reiterated every time the existence of aliens is discussed, it is presented as the Law of Noninterference, which it is explained, is to enable civilizations to optimize the potential of the unique situation on their planet through natural evolution. Inherent in this proposition is that there is some benefit to the entire universe from this evolutionary process, that somehow it will benefit not just Earth but the Alien civilizations as well. Otherwise, why be concerned?

Multidimensional reality is the issue. If consciousness evolves as its frequency grows in complexity, then the civilizations in the higher frequencies, the fifth and above, will be interested in seeing other societies evolve and join them. The idea that a new civilization can contribute something that will benefit them must be a real possibility. On the other hand, the story that humans are the product of a deliberate effort to create a slave race depends on 3rd and 4th-dimensional civilizations regarding the human race as simply a tool for their benefit, one that is there to serve them and nothing more. In this case, the idea of Free Will is nonsensical, since enslaving a race is the opposite of it and would be a threat to the enslavement program. This is the dividing line in the discussion about Aliens, and it is the dividing line in the discussion about Free Will. The Beings from the higher dimensions want to respect our Free Will and the lower dimensions want to eliminate it.

Belief is the Key to Using your Spiritual Power

In another article, I write about the Soul and how to understand its existence using computer modeling. This is important for all of humanity, for it gives substance to something that cannot be measured or tested with material instruments but can be understood with mathematical models, which can extrapolate from what can be tested and seen. Once we know that we have a soul and understand how it functions with our bodies, we can harness its power to improve our world. The key to this power is belief.

We control the energy of our minds with our attention and intention. When we look at someone or something, we are projecting our awareness out of our mind with our focus. This can be intrusive when we push our focus into the energy field of another person, but it can also allow us to gain a much greater degree of information and connectivity with whatever we are looking at. Focus is much more than using stereoscopic vision to get a clear image in our minds, it is a projection of our consciousness toward what we are looking at. If we truly believe that we can project our intention with our focus, it will have a much greater effect than if we think we are just looking or staring, for belief harnesses our soul frequencies to it. For instance, when we want a plant to grow we project our attention toward it with a feeling of love and a vision of it being bigger and healthier. This consciousness energy is held in the spherical layers that compose your soul and your mind, it is the very essence of consciousness because it is a combination of your knowledge, memory, and awareness. Belief is the power of consciousness unified with your ancient soul and your living knowledge.

The power of your Free Will comes from your beliefs which encapsulate what you think is possible, for instance, if you believe that you can walk barefooted on red hot coals, then you will take seriously the teachings that are required to do so and be able to master it. Similarly, if you believe you can ascend, then you will make choices to enable this to happen. Free Will is the key to using belief, you must have NO FEAR of making choices about your future and your abilities to meet the challenges that come with those choices. With Free Will, you can pursue your dreams and achieve whatever you truly desire. The use of attention and intention need for you to have the right to be what you choose.

Equipped with the best information about how your Soul integrates with your consciousness to operate and evolve your body is important. It empowers you to change yourself and the world around you using the higher frequencies from your soul-based beliefs to affect the lower frequencies around and within the people, places, and ongoing events that concern you. Frequently discussed as the etheric realm, the layers of consciousness that surround each point of awareness are subject to your Free Will, but rules apply, and learning these rules is your path forward, beginning with the Rule of Non-interference with other’s Free Will. For example, when you want others to help you accomplish a goal, they need to understand and agree with the goal. When all involved are fully informed and in agreement, the goal becomes truly energized by focusing the group’s attention and intention on it. Uniting the group’s Free Will intention compounds the higher frequencies to allow the focus to be much more powerful.

On this site, we promote the use of meditation to improve society. We ask everyone to meditate at the same time and use the same visualization, frequently using an online synchronization to enhance its power. The ideas presented above also apply to the visualizations used in mediation with the addition of a deeper connection to your soul-based layers of consciousness. The goal of mediation is to connect with the frequencies of your mind that are closer to your soul energy, which is much higher than those of the brain used to manage your actions and activities. In this state of meditation, we expand our awareness to the spherical layers of consciousness that surround our planet, using them to allow us to connect with any event, location, object, or person that we choose. The most important aspect of using belief to connect is that our soul frequencies are extremely high and when we focus them with our awareness and intention, the high frequencies are dominant to lower frequencies and cause them to rise to that level. 

The 3rd and 4th Dimensional Social Structures are Ending

Earth is controlled by 3rd and 4th-dimensional social structures that have been in place for twenty-six thousand years, but whose time is ended. The power the controllers had over humanity was ended by the Galactic Council, which includes the 5th and higher frequency civilizations in the Galaxy. Of course, the beings who have had this power for so many millenniums do not want to give it up and have sought to deny humanity control of their destiny, but our power is so great that the only choice they can believe in is the extermination of humanity, otherwise, the combined power of humanities belief in their future will cause the 3D/4D controllers efforts to fail and they will self-destruct as the frequencies rise. The end of their power has been looming as our Solar System approached the Galactic Plane and in 2012 rose above it for the first time in millions of years. The last several hundred years have seen great efforts by them to prevent humanity from learning the truth about themselves and their intended role in the future of the Galaxy.

The effort to hide humanity’s power has required blocking their access to the natural world while substituting a synthetic one made of invented ideas disconnected from that true reality. The essence of their efforts can be summarized as MIND CONTROL. The illusion of control over the natural world has been carefully nurtured. Only ideas that can be utilized for technology have been allowed to flourish in the scientific disciplines, and anything that would empower a connection to the Soul has been excluded. Control of the means of communication, especially the cumulative knowledge held in books has been studiously exercised. Ideas that are published in print and now online are steadily removed, and what is left provides a one-sided view of the world and humanity’s future.

The rise of public education has been dominated by the control of secret societies that worked behind the scenes to facilitate a large bureaucratic educational system where their skilled operatives could control the direction of policies and ideas being nurtured within those institutions. The most common and well-known secret society is Freemasonry, but numerous other interrelated groups coordinate with them. A little-known objective of Freemasonry is to build a new society, and to that end, they feel entitled to promote or suppress ideas, facts, or knowledge that, in their opinion, would hinder or derail their vision of the future. One of their most obvious efforts is to manage history by carefully selecting what is allowed to be seen as “true”. This is commonly done by removing evidence that can be used to support an alternative to their preferred narrative. So the control of the centers of expertise in all academic disciplines has been pivotal to their programs toward this end. Other secret societies that are intended to be vehicles for select wealthy families, such as Skull and Bones, have targeted the most prestigious positions of power. From these positions, they have gained influence at the highest levels of society, and routinely seek the most powerful roles available from which to direct the beliefs of society.

Many avenues of control exist and the most insidious involve “dumbing down” the average member of society. Intense efforts are made to research how people grow and prosper, and this knowledge is turned inside out to inhibit growth and promote dysfunctional policies that result in less capable people, who can be led to work against the best interests of their community and pursue agendas that gradually destroy their societies.

Truth and Knowledge Enable Free Will and Disable Mind Control

Material success is the carrot luring humanity to pull the controller’s cart. For instance, the success of Freemasonry is driven by its reputation for helping its members become leaders in their chosen fields. Men seeking to assure their family’s place in the future are easily influenced to agree to whatever is required by the Masons to become part of that success. Before the men are privy to any information that may repel them, they spend many years building relationships and learning the benefits of their participation. It is not until they reach a very high level that they understand Freemasonry’s true intentions for humanity. By that time most members are too committed to change. Mind Control is central to the success of Freemasonry, as it is to the entire 3D/4D leadership structure. All of the leaders know what they can think, say, and do without being in danger of losing their membership in the “club”. It is this information that explains what can be done to disable the Mind Control programs of the 3D/4D social structures. Simply stated those structures have the greatest force within the leadership, and so the vast multitudes of humanity depend on those leaders for whatever Mind Control they are exposed to and accept. 

Another well-known social conditioning reality is that people are most dependent on their friends and close associates for approval and acceptance. Indeed, they will change almost anything they are doing to fit in or be one of the groups they identify with. Yes, the majority of people want to be accepted and will do what it takes for that. At the same time, no one wants to be known as being Mind Controlled, as as the pressure of change increases, the intensity of the demands for cooperation and submission escalate also. Eventually, the Majority will be in an open discussion about the efforts to convince them of things that they can see are not true. As the discussion grows among them, thought leaders will emerge upon whom the Majority will depend for a rational summary of what is happening. This is the turning point for the 3D/4D social control system. The inherent desire of humanity to know the truth and be in the know about what is happening in society. 

Free Will breaks through the Mind Control

Posted by galac in Ascension, DNA Genetics, Fifth Density, Higher Densities, Soul, Spiritual Science