Month: September 2022

Antarctica and the Catastrophe of 9400 BCE

Antarctica and the Catastrophe of 9400 BCE

The reports of a ruined ancient extraterrestrial city in Antarctica, its discovery, and ongoing cover-up are one of today’s most fascinating stories.

 Dane Arr

This article explains why and how Antarctica experienced sudden changes in 9400 BC. I have combined several sources of information to provide this possible explanation for the ruins. From the Bek’ti narrative, I have used the close passage of the planet-sized Anunnaki craft to explain the source of the disaster in Antarctica reported by Corey Goode. Other reports about the timing of the loss of Dwarka, a city on the ancient coast of northwest India, and Plato’s story about Atlantis, all of which are reported to have happened around 9400 BC. The global sudden rise in sea levels, the destruction of the megafauna in the Americas, and the rise of the northern Andes, among other anomalies, were considered. Please read it with an open mind.- Dane

Reportedly quick-frozen by an incredible catastrophe during daily life, thousands of well-preserved bodies have been found in Antarctica. The technology found with them has been spirited away by the government to be back-engineered for their benefit.  It all seems related to the Secret Space Program and the network of high-technology businesses that work with them.

Originally brought forward by Corey Goode, the story has been confirmed by many others,  most of whom fear for their lives while divulging it. According to Goode, some early space-based ground penetrating radar systems found anomalous shapes under the ice, and teams were sent to investigate. Since then, several huge spacecraft have been revealed, the largest being thousands of meters long and filled with various technologies, including living spaces and hangars for smaller craft.

The bodies found in the ice are up to twelve feet tall but frail and spindly with elongated skulls; in fact, some resemble Ahnkenaten, who may have been one of the hybrids created to rule humans. The continuing story about Antarctica will be ongoing. Still, the greatest mystery is how and why the ET City and their spacecraft were suddenly frozen under glacial ice that dates to over two million years old while they appear to have been frozen just 11,500 years ago.

At the time of the catastrophe, Antarctica had great forests, navigable rivers and cities, and towns along its Northern coasts. Its southernmost shores were covered by a great Ice sheet, which must have extended out to sea for hundreds of miles. The actual South pole seems to have been as much as thirty degrees from where it is now.

We can quickly see that whatever caused this could change the position of either the continent of Antarctica or the polar axis of the planet and the forces needed to do that are so large that only the tidal forces of a passing large planetary body or an impact by a large asteroid could deliver that much force.  Evidence of a comet’s impact about 13 thousand years ago has been cited as the best answer. Still, the evidence is for a comet that broke up while orbiting the planet, showering the northern hemisphere with carboniferous fragments as it descended. Still, it was too small and fifteen hundred years before the end of the Antarctic civilization.

The potential for a large asteroid to have hit the middle of the northern ice sheet and shatter it has been examined, but it would have left far more evidence than has been found. Comets were affecting the Earth but were not the cause of Antarctica going into the deep freeze.

Sumerian tablets have been found with extensive records of that civilization, and Zacharia Sitchin has written about a dozen books based on his translation of them. Others claim that Sitchin did not write them as translations but as disinformation for the Illuminati. They want humanity to believe that they are descended from ETs and have a right to rule Earth for that reason. Whether Sitchin was faithful to the actual Sumerian texts, he did report extensively on the idea that the ETS created a Cataclysm to wipe out humanity by earthquakes and floods. Sitchin and others have reported this with a similar explanation for who and why, but significant details vary.

The ET commander who was in charge of the planet, Enlil, wanted to cleanse it of its numerous hybrid humans and thought he had a great plan in the form of piloting their large warship close to Earth, coming from the south to the north in such a way as its gravity would pull on the polar ice caps, driving them into the sea and causing devastating flooding worldwide. He wanted to drown the humans and wipe them out so they would not bother him anymore.

The close encounter with the warcraft did far more damage than Enlil expected. It came so close that it pulled the seas from south to north in what can be considered the greatest high tide in history. Evidence suggests that it even lifted the tectonic plates, causing a bulge that snapped back with devastating consequences such as raising mountain ranges. Still, it was the water in the oceans that did the most damage as they lifted the ice in the north, which surged into the sea basins after it passed. Coastal areas were pummeled by debris-filled waters all over the world.

The passing must have tugged so hard on the planet that it tilted slightly on a horizontal axis of central Africa and the Pacific. When it rocked back, the great Southern Ice Sheet that has been anchored to the southern coast of Antarctica was carried by the combined waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans deep inland onto the Antarctic continent, where it broke up, its ancient glaciers filled with pockets of compressed super cold water releasing suddenly to rush like rivers across the land.

To visualize how this could have happened, we only have to imagine that the tipping of the Earth was on an axis of the African central highlands and an opposing point in the Mid-pacific; the tilt would have caused the two great oceans on both sides of the Americas to flow directly southward past Antarctica and into the Indian Ocean before the waters sloshed back to the north. This action would have positioned the South Polar Ice Sheet in the path of that huge tidal wave.

The northern tip of the peninsula toward South America is twenty-nine degrees from the current south pole, adding to that the approximately 25 degrees of movement toward the south. It must have been around fifty-three degrees from the south pole before the cataclysm.

In the northern hemisphere, fifty-three degrees away from the pole is the equivalent of a latitude of 37 degrees north, the latitude of Virginia on the US East coast, and San Francisco on the west. There must have been at least fifty percent of Antarctica that was temperate before the great cataclysm.

The lurching planet wobbled as the weight of the seas and ice moved on its surface, the tidal pull of the War planet letting go as it moved beyond its gravitation reach, and the tectonic plates moved to seek their equilibrium.  The angular momentum of the equatorial regions continued to drive the rotational spin, and the biggest factor of angular momentum, the great heavy spot in central Africa held its momentum, forcing the planet to rotate on its axis, but the axis had changed.

With the Northern ice sheet broken and displaced, with much of it washed into the seas, and the Southern Ice Sheet lodged atop the Antarctic continent, the rotation shifted to center the weight of the Southern Ice Sheet so it could properly spin on its axis smoothly. The shift disturbed other regions, but only Antarctica suffered a total and almost permanent devastation.

Antarctica becomes the South Pole.

This illustrates that the path to the South for the Pacific and Atlantic was direct for an enormous amount of water.

The movement of the oceans in their beds was magnified when it converged in the South, approaching Antarctica. There is every reason to believe that the vast Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans would have had the power to lift the South Polar ice sheet and carry it with the waters to wherever they were headed. As mentioned earlier, it seems to have lifted several miles of ice up and dropped it on Antarctica, where it broke up and released millions of gallons of ice water across the then-temperate regions of the Antarctic continent.

Why were they “flash frozen?”

This surging ice water would have been under great pressure within the ice sheet when it collapsed. Its temperature was well below freezing as it was released onto the land, rushing like a super cold flood across the entire landscape. When it stopped moving, it froze hard, trapping not only the inhabitants of that civilization but the ice sheet as well, working like fast-hardening cement to hold the ice where it landed.

With the Southern, Ice sheet moved from where it had been for millions of years and much of the Northern Ice sheet broken and washed into the seas, the weight distribution of the planet was wrong for the spin rotation that had existed for those millions of years while the ice had accumulated around the South pole.

Earth has a heavy spot beneath central Africa, the result of an ancient iron asteroid impact during its formation as a planet. It can be seen as a circular plain in the heart of the Congo, right on the equator. Suppose you study the theory of tectonics or continental drift as illustrated by the break up of ancient Pangaea. In that case, you will notice that Africa has remained stable while the other continents moved away from it. This can be attributed to the heavy spot, a region so dense that it anchors Africa into the mantle like a great spike.

When the weight of the ice shifted, the planet rocked and sought to stabilize itself as it rotated in its orbit around the Sun. It was the Central African heavy spot’s angular momentum that controlled the outcome that day, as it kept the spin rotation going around the weight of the Southern Ice Sheet, even though it had shifted almost thirty degrees from its previous location.

So much happened that day; an entire world was swept away in great winds, floods, and earthquakes beyond our imagination. When the survivors struggled out amidst the wreckage of their world, nothing they had known remained. Civilization was ended, and the majority of the survivors on the surface perished due to starvation and conflict with others over what little was left.

What followed the catastrophe was a slow return of populations with organized communities and civilization. Current scientific research on the origin of domesticated grains shows they began around 8500 BC in highland areas and in the fertile crescent areas at the same time. This suggests that before that time, the natural environment could support human populations through hunting and gathering alone. Still, after the devastation of the cataclysm, farming was needed to ensure an adequate food supply.

Although there are broad variations in the dating and proofs of the catastrophe, no other hypothesis can make sense of what is now known about Antarctica and its “Flash Frozen” Civilization. Several more efforts were made to erase the genetic experiments on the planet, ranging from Noah’s flood to the assault on Canaan and the destruction of all its inhabitants, with both events having been directed by “god,” who was probably Enlil, whom we can assume from this narrative was part of the effort to restore the Grand Experiment to its intended course. Why Enlil would favor the Israelites as they left Egypt may be related to the notion that when the Reptilians took over, they did not need a human workforce at the Anunaki compound and sent the workers to Egypt to assist there. Meaning that these people were from Enlil’s breeding program in Eden, and he did consider them to be “his people.”

I will discuss many other issues in future articles. We must understand our history since the end of the last ice age, for it tells us who genetically altered our population and why they did it. Sumerian history speaks of Enki, but research in Antarctica shows that he was not the only one. Testimony from whistleblowers in the Secret Space Program, and more recently Elena Danaan, talks about an alliance of 22 ET groups (The Seeders) who have been doing this for hundreds of millennia. The SSP story is different, telling about “Genetic Farmers” during the recent time frame, which would not be the Seeders. Of particular interest is that the Noah story seems to be replicated among all the ancient genetic lineages, so we need to explore the idea that numerous ET groups were monitoring their experiments with the human hybrids and saved their groups, just like Noah was saved. How else can we account for the many ancient genetic lineages of humans on Earth?

The truth about this will emerge shortly as Earth and humanity are ready to accept responsibility for our place in the Cosmos.

©Copyright Dane M. Arr 2018-2022
Posted by galac in Antarctica, Dark Fleet, DNA Genetics, History of Earth, Nazi, Secret Space Program