Month: October 2022

JP: Code Name for a Light Warrior

JP: Code Name for a Light Warrior

This page is here to enable visitors to see in quick succession the advancement Humanity is about to experience. JP is attached to US Military Units being deployed on missions to authenticate locations, and artifacts and make contact as well as retrieve samples. His reports are soft disclosure authorized at the highest levels of oversight, or they would not be happening.

Followers of Dr. Michael Salla have been getting regular updates on US Military operations to uncover and work with extraterrestrial technology by a young man who goes by the Code Name JP. While many tasked with such a responsibility behave with great seriousness, JP is just the opposite. He presents himself with openness, speaking easily about the astounding events he is witnessing.

JPs presentations make it clear to those of us who have been tracking Disclosure for years that we are on the cusp of a big reveal. His first contacts with Dr. Salla were to reveal TR3B craft arriving and leaving McGill AFB using photos he took for that purpose. He said he was advised to be at that location by a military contact, which alerted us that he has been chosen for a “soft disclosure” role by an official channel. After about fifteen disclosures of advanced spacecraft his contact began to address the Alliance’s involvement with the Intergalactic Confederation and the technology they want humanity to be aware of that is on Earth and in the Solar System. This is important information.

The military knows JP is a Star Seed, extremely bright and capable. That he has chosen to enlist in the US Army to further pursue the role in the soft disclosure of advanced ET Technology should please us all.

On Exopolitics. Dr. Salla has a page with all of his interviews with JP. use this link to visit it.

Nordic ET Supply Missions to Ganymede & Europa’s Secret Underground City

2nd Mission to Underground Civilization in Florida & the missing Gift for Humanity

Mission to Underground Civilization in Florida and a Gift for Humanity

Secret Diplomatic Mission to Underwater Cities in Atlantic Ocean

3rd Mission to Atlantic Space Ark – JP Update

Were US Special Forces trapped in Ukraine Space Ark Now Controlled by Russia?

Buried Ukraine space ark in Kherson activates so Russia takes over

Atlantic Space Ark Rescue Mission

Joint US China Mission to Giant ET Space Ark under Atlantic Ocean

USAF Colonel leaks coordinates of ancient Antarctic Ruins

Joint US China missions sent to crashed alien spacecraft discovered by Yutu 2

Interview with US Army Whistleblower – Mission to Ganymede

US Army Soldier Blows Whistle on Secret Missions to Ganymede & the Moon

French Contactee confirms Intergalactic Confederation is seeding human worlds

Earth Alliance Mission to Ganymede to greet ET visitors & inaugurate a Star Trek Future

Galactic Federation is helping humanity build a Starfleet for Planetary Defense

Posted by galac in AFTER The Event, Ceres, Disclosure, Earth Alliance, Galactic Federation of Worlds, Ganymede, History of Earth, Inner Earth, Michael Salla, Secret Space Program, Space Force