
About the Galactic Society Website

This website and the people behind it are here to assist the planetary awakening, full disclosure of suppressed knowledge, participation with our Galactic family, and, most importantly, the Ascension of Humanity.

Suppose you are new to Galactic Society concepts and information. In that case, this site provides you with two tracks, the first being the pages listed on the menu, which will maintain links to important topics and related information. The second track uses posts, which are kept in a database accessible with the recent posts menu on the right sidebar or using the search tool. located immediately above them.

The home page features current posts which address important topics being discussed within the community.

The Galactic Society website will connect everyone interested in our planet’s emergence as Star Nation in the Galaxy.

About the Galactic Society Mission

Earth is known as Terra among those visiting and observing our progress toward Ascension, which has been the motivating force for extraterrestrial involvement for tens of thousands of years.  Some are eager for us to Ascend, while others are not.

Some Star Cultures regard humans as a natural resource, our bodies and souls available for their exploitation in a Galaxy-wide trading network. In contrast, others see us as evolving beings entitled to self-determination and Sovereignty.

According to known information, our planet has been controlled by the Annunaki, an alliance between an Annunaki and a Reptilian group, and then by a Draco faction, which is presently being disputed by the White Hat/Earth Alliance.

About the Galactic Society Team

All of the above activities are part of an effort to support a global dialog about Humanity’s purpose and goals as part of the Galactic Society. this ongoing discussion needs to be shared in every community on Earth/Terrra.

Please join us.
