
This section of the Galactic  Society website  discusses Contact with representatives of Star Nations and offers a summary of the current situation along with links to detailed presentations.

Contact: Talk to the GFW

This page, Contact: Talk to the GFW, is here to allow members to write messages to the GFW. It is not expected that members of the GFW will answer you here, the intent is to allow you to express your thoughts regarding contact, civilian travel to GFW worlds, technology sharing agreements, advanced energy generations systems, medical treatments, food technology, etc. in the comments section of this page.

Elena Danaan has been the source of this information in the past. so any members who want to add links to where this information exists, please do.

On Planet GFW Members

Numerous reports exist that tell of human looking members of the GFW being here working and socializing while keeping their true identity secret. This is true and we encourage those who would like to express their impressions of our current situation in the comments section of this page.


The first part of the section is Contactees who have agreed to deliver information to Humanity. Elena Danaan, James Gilliland, Corey Goode and Cobra are in this role, with Elena Danaan being the most recent.

The contactees mentioned above, only Elena Danaan and James Gilliland do not connect to the Secret Space Programs. The SSPs are controlled by the MJ12 people.

Cobra does not talk about it, but has repeatedly referred to “riding on a high speed maglev train” when he was a child, something that those recruited in to the twenty and back progams have described as normal. If he had this experience, how did that happen unless, he too, was recruited to the Twenty and Back Eurpean Secret Space Program, like Jean Charles Moyen who describes his own experience with the process.

All of the Contactees are doing their best to inform and prepare humanity for what is coming. The issue for us and those from the SSPs is that the SSP operators did not let their former participants go quietly into the night. They used MK Ultra techniques to sabotage thier ability speak freely about any number of subjects related to their SSP experiences.

Twenty& Back

Another group that is important is the Twenty and Back Experiencers, who are making public presentations about their memories of being in the Secret Space Programs. Tony Rodriguez and James Ring are prominent here, with James being active with his website, since 2007, revealing a series of people who share their experiences as Super Soldiers with the Secret Space Programs.


A growing number reports are coming from whistleblowers, those who are currently involved stepping forward to inform the public about important activities involving ETs.

Exopolitical Analysts

Professionals listed here who have made it a career of studying Extraterrestrial Contact, are Michael Salla, Alfred Lambremonte Webre and Steven Greer. Their bio and contact information is included.

Galactic CoIntelPro

This term is used by Michael Sall in his article by the same name, published in 2007. In it he describes government efforts to suppress informaion about extraterrestrial life.

For the above reason, the topic of ectraterrestrial life is laced with deliberate misinformation. The “powers that be” have been protecting the reality of extraterrestrial life as their highest priority since the end of the American Civil War when they activated their global dominance plan.

At that time real contanct was not the issue, but preventing awareness of related technology and evidence was the main objective. Their intention was three World Wars and an alien invasion to complete their goals. For this to work they needed the topic of aliens to be filled with mystery and uncertainty, so they maintained a secret agency to supppress all evidence, going so far as to remove artifacts and  references from ancient texts and buildings.

During World War Two the Germans made official contact with the Ciakahrr Empire and the US Navy was contacted secretly by “Nordics,”. The Nebu Grays crashed a small spacecraft in order to provoke the US, leading to the formation of government Programs sitll in existence today such as the Central Intelligence Agency, Majestic Twelve  and other programs kept ssecret.

As stated above, controlling public perception of ETs is their highest priority and they spend multi billions on it every year. They support numerous disinformation efforts ranging from media shaping efforts and outright harrasment of those like Adamski and others in the fifties. The Men in Black program is famous for tracking witnesses since then, and another of Military Abduction began in the Seventies, also a worldwide network of infiltration agents has been active since the Sixties to monitor public attitudes about UFOs. The Internet spawned new venues of pubic awareness and leading to troll farms employing men or women sitting in front of six screen arrays monitoring public discussion on comment sections of articles, news groups. They recruited fake contactees to befriend newly public Contactees to gather intelligence and seed future control strategies, who also worked with the worldwide infiltration teams.  Fake websites and YouTube Channels offer a continous supply of attractive narratives filled with truth and disinformation.

The Secret Space Programs are a major source of confusion. A large group of those working with the Disclosure narrative have defected from the ICC operated SSP, and are very concerned that they will be held accountable for actions taken during that tenure, so they want Limited Disclosure. Any continued suppression is bad, opening the door to negative controling elements using a variety of means to prevent the truth from being shared.


Let’s start with the Contactees

Elena is the most impressive of this group.

Contactee, men and women who have

Many others are reporting about contact. To assist you in your research, they are listed below. If you know of any others that need to be listed, use the form at the bottom to submit that contact information.

First Contact has happened via the Secret Space Programs, prticualarly the US Navy, which qualifies as the legitimate representative of the People of Earth.  but open, fully acknowledged civilian contact is the breakthrough we need. We expect it within the time frame of 2023-2024.

It has already happened for many people on a personal level, which is termed being a Contactee.

The reality about those reporting on the activities of extra terrestrial visitors is that very few of them offer any evidence to substantiate their claims. Glib explanations and theatrical devices to obscure their lack of proof is accepted as normal in this sphere.

The one authority that focuses on substantiating claims is Dr Michael Salla of  He has vetted numerous claims from contactees over the last two decades he has been working in the exopolitical specialty exclusively since 2002. Each source is listed below with a short description and their contact information.

Dr Michael Salla, PHD

Dr Salla was teaching Political Science at Georgtown U in Washington DC when Dr Steven Greer hosted  a Congressional presentation on the topic of ExtraTerrestrial Life and became involved with establishing Exopolitics as a political science study. Official support was lacking and he left academics to focus on it independently, and remains the leading authority in this field.

Dr. Steven Greer

Greer founded the Center for the Study of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) in 1990 to create a diplomatic and research-based initiative to contact extraterrestrial civilizations. In 1993, Greer founded the Disclosure Project, the goal of which is to publicly disclose the government’s alleged knowledge of UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and advanced energy and propulsion systems. In May 2001, Greer held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. that featured 20 retired Air Force, Federal Aviation Administration and intelligence officers.


Alfred Labremonte Webre

Alfred Lambremont Webre is a graduate of Yale University and Yale Law School and a former Fulbright Scholar. He has taught economics at Yale University and constitutional law at the University of Texas. He is the former general counsel to the New York City Environmental Protection Administration, former director of the 1977 Carter White House extraterrestrial communication study, and former NGO delegate to the United Nations. The author of Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe, he is the recognized founder of Exopolitics, the science of relations among intelligent civilizations in the multiverse. His Uncle was Executive Assistant to the Leader of the Jesuits Order, the Society of Jesus, and Mr. Webre attributes him with great inspiration. The Catholic Church has positioned itself to be an intermediary regarding first contact.

Contact Listing Form

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