
The first part of the section is Contactees who have agreed to deliver information to Humanity. Elena Danaan, James Gilliland, Corey Goode and Cobra are in this role, with Elena Danaan being the most recent.

The contactees mentioned above, only Elena Danaan and James Gilliland do not connect to the Secret Space Programs. The SSPs are controlled by the MJ12 people.

Cobra does not talk about it, but has repeatedly referred to “riding on a high speed maglev train” when he was a child, something that those recruited in to the twenty and back progams have described as normal. If he had this experience, how did that happen unless, he too, was recruited to the Twenty and Back Eurpean Secret Space Program, like Jean Charles Moyen who describes his own experience with the process.

All of the Contactees are doing their best to inform and prepare humanity for what is coming. The issue for us and those from the SSPs is that the SSP operators did not let their former participants go quietly into the night. They used MK Ultra techniques to sabotage thier ability speak freely about any number of subjects related to their SSP experiences.

Many others are reporting about contact. To assist you in your research, they are listed below. If you know of any others that need to be listed, use the form at the bottom to submit that contact information.

First Contact has happened via the Secret Space Programs, prticualarly the US Navy, which qualifies as the legitimate representative of the People of Earth.  but open, fully acknowledged civilian contact is the breakthrough we need. We expect it within the time frame of 2023-2024.

It has already happened for many people on a personal level, which is termed being a Contactee.

The reality about those reporting on the activities of extra terrestrial visitors is that very few of them offer any evidence to substantiate their claims. Glib explanations and theatrical devices to obscure their lack of proof is accepted as normal in this sphere.
