Galactic CoIntelPro

Dr. Michael Salla wrote an extensive article about Galactic CoIntePro, detailing the involvement of special agencies within every branch of government, especially the FBI and CIA to surveil and intimidate Contactees, Channelers, and Star Seeds in order to prevent them from gaining traction in their activities to inform the public about their experiences. In addition to massive annual budgets, a large number of surreptitious agents were hired to infiltrate, surveil, intimidate and disrupt contactees’ lives, and any organizations that they might create.

In addition to their cloak-and-dagger activities, the Galactic CoIntelPro administrators organized and supported false front organizations, and maintained a team of operatives skilled in mental telepathy to pretend to be aliens as they would communicate with too-trusting UFO enthusiasts. One aspect of their activities was to encourage spiritual people to focus on meditation and channel information, misoriented and misinformed, these groups could do nothing to obstruct the goals of the Orion Alliance and their minions.

According to Dr. Salla’s article “Galactic CoIntelPro Exposing the Covert Counter-Intelligence Program against Extraterrestrial  Contactees”


“A series of covert intelligence programs were implemented that aimed to neutralize the revolutionary potential of the contactee movement. These programs evolved in three stages that resulted in the final counter-intelligence program that was adopted to eliminate any threat posed by contactees.

    • Stage one was the initial surveillance of contactees by intelligence agencies that attempted to discern the scope and implications of human and extraterrestrial interaction.

    • Stage two was the more active phase of debunking and discrediting contactees and their supporters.

    • Finally, stage three was integrated into the FBI’s COINTELPRO which provided the necessary cover for comprehensively neutralizing any possible threat by contactees who might join other dissident groups for comprehensive policy changes.

All three stages of the covert programs employed against contactees were secretly run by the CIA, the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) and the NSA, whose field agents were directly aware of the reality of extraterrestrial life, and the contact and communications occurring with private citizens.”

[Editors Note] Michael Salla, Ph.D. wrote this fifteen years ago. Nothing has changed in regard to the existence of Galactic CoIntelPro. If anything it is bigger and more invasive, extending itself into social media with fake accounts and automated surveillance. Everyone active today is on their list. It works both ways. They are on our list.

It is important that the evolution of consciousness be foremost in Galactic affairs. Anything less turns the relationships between planetary cultures into the deceived and the deceivers.  Below is a list of names being used by organizations to refer to their off-planet contacts with links to pages that offer detail on their activities, both stated and reported. Each group has multiple contacts on Earth, but usually one is better known so that one is listed here.

NOTE: On Earth, we use spoken language and this is not normal for interstellar species, leading to some variation in the names used by their Earth contacts.

The Galactic Federation of Worlds
The InterGalactic Confederation
The Nine (Note: Many Star Messengers report contact with the Nine, and their information is very similar).
Ashtar Command

  • Contact: Elena Danaan

The Galactic Confederation
The Resistance Movement

Based on a few pieces of intel from Cobra and Jean-Charles Moyen, it appears that the European Secret Space Program refers to the GFW as the Galactic Confederation. Jean-Charles has said this and Cobra laughed at Elena referring to the Galactic Federation of Worlds, commenting that she didn’t even know the proper name. Cobra has a single source, apparently from the ESP. His intel falls way short of Elena’s, mostly focusing on “etheric” issues, meditations and assisting the Resistance Movement who work with those fighting underground. I consider his intel valuable, but that his source is afraid of being compromised, so gives him extremely limited information.

  • Contact: Cobra

The Galactic Federation of Light

It is well known that the Jesuits run a group capable of telepathically intruding on those who channel information. Additionally the Grays can easily do this also. For these reasons it has been necessary for them to give an identity that seems real but is not. The term Galactic Federation has been used for a very long time without being clear what was “federated”.  Using the term “light” provided a generalized, all inclusive name, not only for the posers from the slavers, but also for many who were channeling information meant to benefit everyone. Only when Elena came forward did we know about the military operations being conducted by the GFW. Now the GFL appears as an obvious red herring, a false lead meant to throw seekers off the path and into blind allies leading to away from the truth. I think many sincere light workers have been taken in by this gambit.

The Orion Alliance
The Draconis Empire

The Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate
The Secret Space Program
The Nazi Black Fleet

  • Contact: US Central Intelligence Agency

US Navy Secret Space Program
The European Space Program

  • Contact: US Naval Intelligence