Majestic Twelve

We now know that the Orion Alliance orchestrated the formation of Majestic Twelve, a secret group in the US Government to manage information about Extraterrestrial contacts. During World War Two a two rack intelligence operation evolved, one was through the US Navy and another through high level Satanic Illuminatti who had infiltrated the government in very high positions. They wanted an alliance with the Grays in order to gain total control of Earth. The Grays were secretly already well established with underground bases locations in the Americas, and in Asia, but these were illegal under Galactic Law, they needed our permission, and so a sequence of events unfolded to create that. The Grays are agents of the Ciakahrr Empire, and the ones sent to human worlds on behalf of their allied efforts.

At the end of World War II, Admiral Bird’s disastrous Antarctic campaign demonstrated the ineffectiveness of the US Military in dealing with the advanced weaponry of the Nazis. In retrospect, the Roswell Incident appears to have been staged to create the opportunity to reorganize the US Government’s approach to dealing with UFOs, while furnishing a pretense of the need for extreme secrecy.

Today, it is obvious that it was all a well-conceived plan to take over the US to provide the industrial might to build out the space fleets and facilities needed by the Nazis to establish the Dark Fleet to assist the Draco in their conquest of Star Nations. Due to a series of behind-the-scenes moves made by what we now know to be Satanic leadership. culminating in the formation of Majestic Twelve as a uniquely separate quasi-governmental agency to oversee all contact with Extraterrestrials.

For the above reason, the topic of ectraterrestrial life is laced with deliberate misinformation. The “powers that be” have been protecting the reality of extraterrestrial life as their highest priority since the end of the American Civil War when they activated their global dominance plan.

At that time real contanct was not the issue, but preventing awareness of related technology and evidence was the main objective. Their intention was three World Wars and an alien invasion to complete their goals. For this to work they needed the topic of aliens to be filled with mystery and uncertainty, so they maintained a secret agency to supppress all evidence, going so far as to remove artifacts and  references from ancient texts and buildings.

During World War Two the Germans made official contact with the Ciakahrr Empire and the US Navy was contacted secretly by “Nordics.” The Nebu Grays crashed a small spacecraft in order to provoke the US, leading to the formation of government Programs sitll in existence today such as the Central Intelligence Agency, Majestic Twelve  and other programs kept ssecret.

As stated above, controlling public perception of ETs is their highest priority and they spend multi billions on it every year. They support numerous disinformation efforts ranging from media shaping efforts and outright harrasment of those like Adamski and others in the fifties. The Men in Black program is famous for tracking witnesses since then, and another of Military Abduction began in the Seventies, also a worldwide network of infiltration agents has been active since the Sixties to monitor public attitudes about UFOs. The Internet spawned new venues of pubic awareness and leading to troll farms employing men or women sitting in front of six screen arrays monitoring public discussion on comment sections of articles, news groups. They recruited fake contactees to befriend newly public Contactees to gather intelligence and seed future control strategies, who also worked with the worldwide infiltration teams.  Fake websites and YouTube Channels offer a continous supply of attractive narratives filled with truth and disinformation.

The Secret Space Programs are a major source of confusion. A large group of those working with the Disclosure narrative have defected from the ICC operated SSP, and are very concerned that they will be held accountable for actions taken during that tenure, so they want Limited Disclosure. Any continued suppression is bad, opening the door to negative controling elements using a variety of means to prevent the truth from being shared.
