The Secret Space Programs

Secret Space Programs are the rule on Earth. Despite public efforts to go to the moon by both the United States of America and the Soviet Union, both of those programs were created to deceive the public and prevent them from seeking an overview of the actual effort to establish contact with other worlds and develop trade relationships with other, nonterrestrial civilizations.

Staffing the Secret Space Programs

The use of special programs learned from other worlds, referred to as the Twenty and Back Programs, has been exploited to staff these SSPs with carefully selected humans. Based on numerous testimonies the humans who are chosen must meet specific genetic requirements. As described by many of these people, they were identified in  early childhood, then cultivated with secret training and education before embarking on their SSP duty.

Secret Space Program service should be considered a form of slavery. Each participant is promised assistance after they leave the SSP. Instead, they are memory wiped, (age regressed or Soul Matrix contained) then returned to their original timeline, usually only ten minutes or so later. This was stated by Corey Goode, who detailed his experiences on Gaia and on his website

Less than a hundred individuals with experience in the SSP Twenty and Back Programs, have described this to interviewers, but less than two percent of those who served have any memory of their SSP service. If they do and tell their story it is usually to the disbelief of their families, coworkers, and the public at large. Tony Rodrigues described his own experience, telling how, after he was returned from a twenty year stint, he woke up in the morning to his father asking why he seemed so different. His memories returned slowly and he eventually wrote a book about it.

Twenty years in the SSP, but gone only ten minutes?

The age regression issue may be deliberate misdirection by the SSPs because the easiest way to handle a Twenty and Back Program is to tell the member they will be age regressed, take them to a room with special equipment for “age regression” and instead do a procedure to remove and contain the Soul Matrix. Once in Containment, the Soul Matrix is transported back in time to be reunited with the original body, which is still in the location where their Soul Matrix was removed. The problem with this is that most of the Experiencers report they were gone for only tem minutes, so the logistics of it all seem very difficult.

From many reports, we have learned that age regression is contrary to what is generally true in civilizations with space programs. In almost all cases described by Experiencers, the original body is put in stasis, and a cloned body is used to serve in space. This allows the soul matrix to return if the cloned body is destroyed.  In the SSP Twenty and Back Program the original body being returned to normal life within a few minutes of beginning service, the use of clones remains a key part of service in space. Apparently, the first clone is used as the “homebody,” and another clone or multiple clones are made for the use of the Soul Matrix while working in space. So long as a living body with the original DNA is waiting in stasis, the Soul Matrix will return to it should the service body be destroyed.

Since the SSP members are often young, it would require repeated clones to maintain the proper match of the body to learned skills. One possible approach is to do a neuro-scan every time before deployment so that a current neuro system can be installed in the waiting clone.

In the case of the Twenty-and-Back Program, there is no need to put the original body in stasis since the Soul Matrix is returned almost immediately to the original body, which is then returned to its location with only a few minutes passing.  Their Soul Matrix, their consciousness has been operating in a cloned body for twenty years but is returned to the original body that has not had those experiences. Neurological problems are common for experiencers.

It sounds fantastic, but closer analysis shows that this is well within the capabilities of the advanced technologies obtained from off-world sources.

Of course, no effort is made to assist them with any problems that may arise from their service. Can you imagine the dilemma of a person telling others about this?  They have flashbacks that they cannot explain to themselves, let alone anyone else. These psychological issues are frequently accompanied by neurological ones; the processes of age regression and time travel have lasting consequences that show up in subtle effects that are unexplainable in conventional terms.

Numerous individuals have experienced the SSP twenty and back programs who have told their stories, usually to the disbelief of their families, coworkers, and the public at large. Below is an incomplete list with links of people who have come forward to share their experiences with the Secret Space Programs. More will be added…

Randy Cramer

Corey Goode

James Rink

In addition to the narrative provided by SSP experiencers, we have a list of terms used to describe what happened to them, and these require us to learn or unlearn much we believe about the human body and soul.

Fragmentation of the Soul This process is basic to the work of the Greys and the Reptilians on Earth

Reanimation using tanks filled with nanites. This is something that needs an understanding of the Soul to grasp, since ET technology regards the human soul as a usefull resouce to used as an “operating system” for clones or bilogical machines. Not only can they “contain” it, they can fragment it so that one part can be returrned to the being while another part is used to operate a clone.

Think about what it mean that they can separate the soul from the body and repurpose it to run another body. If they can do that, then certainly it is easy to return it to a rebuilt body removed from restoration tank. Randy kramer talks nonchalantly about being torn to peieces on Mars and having his team bring the parts back to be reassembled. No scars, no trauma other than the memory, the body is healed and the psychological stress reduced to a faint concern. Others from the programs tell similar stories.
