Why Satanists Hate Christianity

Numerous accounts of demonic possession have a common thread; the name of Jesus Christ is used to expel them.

An investigation has shown that individuals of different faiths, such as Muslims and Buddhists, have reported this to be true.

I was intrigued by the concern expressed by demons for the power of Christ, and particularly that they feared having the name of Christ invoked against them.

In SCIET Theory, attention and intention define the flow of spiritual energy, and combining it with spoken words amplifies the effects tremendously. The importance of belief should not be underestimated in this. Belief is the source of our greatest connection to the high consciousness of Christ, so combining this all together has a deadly effect on demons. It was another piece of the puzzle I collected about the existence of the Soul.

The readers of this site are aware that Ascension to the higher densities is approaching and that these higher energies will not tolerate lower-density beings. A simple way to understand this is that lying and dishonesty are not workable in the higher densities because the words and ideas communicated are like blockchain transactions; each has an accessible history viewable by those hearing them. This means that every statement can be instantly audited for truth.

The message of Christ has been repeated for two thousand years, and that Christ gave his life for the salvation of humanity is well known. Still, the metaphysics of how it works and is available to everyone on the planet is seldom discussed.

In the video below, Corey Goode recounts how he used the name of Jesus to free himself from entities. He explains how the SSP uses entity attachments to inhibit disclosure of the SSP by 20 and back experiencers. The Secret Space Programs are under the management of Draco, who use demons as tools.

In other articles on this site, I have articulated how the soul connects to the body and survives death to reenter another body when it is ready to incarnate again on Earth.  In this explanation, I present the idea that the Soul has two states, similar to how light exists as both a particle and a wave.  The knowledge and power of the Soul is a unique value that can be expressed as a wave layer around the entire planet. This layer can become particle-like when a cell’s DNA resonates with it, drawing in the accumulated values of information and knowledge stored in that wave layer that surrounds the planet to incarnate in a new body. At the body’s death, the knowledge of the Soul is released back into the wave layers until the next opportunity for continued growth arrives. In this way, the energy and power of the incarnate are preserved after death as a sphere of being accessible at any location on Earth, and this is especially true for beings like Jesus Christ.

Most Christians do not know that until 553 AD, reincarnation was taught in Christianity. It was taught by Jesus and only became controversial when it was perceived by the Roman Emperor to make threats of punishment by death less intimidating. He needed people to fear death. Some Church leaders felt that the idea of preexisting souls conflicted with the notion that God created all souls, so the Emperor had a pretext to demand that the Church stop teaching reincarnation. In 553, at the Fifth Ecumenical Council in Constantinople, the Emperor convened the Council with only his selected attendees, effectively suppressed discussion, and successfully banned reincarnation from the Church. He was the Roman Emperor, not a Church official, but this made no difference to his hand-picked delegations.

On this site, we speak of the intervention of Reptilians who managed our planet through its leaders. These are the Draco, advocates of the use of slavery, cruelty, and mass murder, for they desire the product of fear and death, LOOSH. Anything that would reduce the fear people had of death would be opposed by them. Apparently, because she felt that the Emperor should be superior to the Church, Empress Theodora was the power behind the throne in the case of banning reincarnation.

Women are very prominent in the rites of sacrifice that Rome adopted. Still, little was revealed about this in the history of that time. The cult of Baal was well established among the Romans before it decided to conduct a hostile takeover of Christianity in the Fourth Century AD. Today this tradition persists and is at the center of our present struggle to remove the darkness from our planet.  Special Courts have been created to prosecute Church officials for the murder of children in sacrificial rites in Church locations all over the world.  The Cult of Baal is now known as Satanism and practices demonic possession as a means to attain power in our world.

Satanist do not like Christians, for they are the most opposed to demons and those that use them for power.

When an enlightened being dies on Earth, their Soul has an extremely high spiritual energy and can remain (it is their choice) as a global layer, a wave, accessible to all people. Those who know how to connect with that being can ask for them and receive their attention. After all, they are nearby. so they can hear you. Of course, you need to know how to ask for assistance to get it.

The consciousness of Christ remains on Earth as a higher frequency presence to enable us to directly connect with the higher frequencies as a tool to raise our consciousness. Christ is a higher dimensional force and inviting that force into your life brings a high frequency that is intolerable to demonic spirits, for they exist at the lower end of the fourth dimension and cannot adjust to higher frequencies. Invoking the name of Jesus Christ, and more importantly, bringing the presence of that frequency, causes them to lose their coherency and dissolve into meaningless energy, much like bacteria are destroyed by colloidal silver in the body.

The Roman Church does not teach this