Month: September 2022

Galactic Souls

Galactic Souls

Humanity and the Galactic Soul

The Human Genome is designed to allow incarnation by beings from many different Star Civilizations. This is possible for those beings who use a similar template of sensory evolution, referring to how the sensory inputs of the body are recorded within the Soul matrix. You have probably read that in our Galaxy, evolution to a humanoid body type is the rule rather than the exception, so their souls have a basic match with our DNA. This has certainly not been an accident. According to Elena Danaan’s Seeders: Return of the Gods, the Intergalactic Confederation has facilitated human evolution for millions of years.

Sensory inputs to the brain greatly affect the evolution of the Soul matrix, so for a single genome to allow many different types of beings to incarnate, it has to have certain levels of connectivity, much like our information sciences use “ports” configured to interface with specific inputs. This is why the Seeders have carefully attended to the Human Genome Project, to enable our genome to accommodate hundreds of planetary soul families from all over our Galaxy and beyond. Specific parts of our DNA are adapted to make critical connections to the evolved souls of other planets, sometimes it takes individualized attention to the hosts DNA for a Star Seed to be borne here, but in these cases special abilities are intended.  Of course, not every genome has the same level of connectivity, but most human genomic DNA has connectivity of many other Galactic souls.

Much discussion has taken place about the Grays and their hybridization programs, which are opposed by the Seeders and the Intergalactic Confederation they represent. The idea of a hive consciousness is not desired by any race working with Source. The objective of incarnation is the evolution of individual consciousness toward a pure connection to the Source, including all the experiences and understanding it has taken to achieve that level of growth. A hive consciousness subverts individual choice, turning the individual into a part of a larger organized system without any choice regarding personal responsibility for those actions. This abrogates the very reason for our incarnation.

The Grays and the Reptilians, who belong to centralized control structures of the Orion Alliance, seek to dominate others by subverting their ability to connect to Source and make personal choices that evolve them into higher-level beings. They don’t want others to become more intelligent and capable than they are; they consider that a threat to their survival.

The Seeders Human Genome Project is meant to allow humans to grow into high-level beings capable of mastery of the quantum nature of space, with abilities to use their minds to travel in the Universe and manifest whatever is needed at any moment. The Soul is very similar to all humanoid beings, and the genome of humans has been carefully nurtured to include a wide variety of potentials representing highly evolved races from throughout the Galaxy.

We know now that humanity is a project of an Intergalactic organization that sees genetics as the greatest technology of materiality. To this end, they have chosen to cooperate in creating an optimum genetic vehicle for consciousness, one that offers the greatest opportunity to experience the creation.

Until recently, the Star nations involved with Earth’s development have not been of one mind, diverging into opposing ideas about the role of humans; one, the Orion Alliance, seeing them as part of the natural resources of the planet, there for their exploitation, and the other (The Seeders) viewing the humans as a great project in the evolution of consciousness. These two groups have coexisted in active competition to control humanity and Earth.

The time we are living in is the foundation of a new era in human development. The time of competing forces vying to control the future of humanity is over, the Seeders of the Intergalactic Confederation have arrived to reinforce the Galactic Federation of Worlds military program to expel the Ciakahrr and the Orion Alliance from this solar system and establish a firm foundation for humanity to move to a higher density. There is much to be done to enable humanity to assume responsibility for this solar system and overcome the limitations imposed upon us by the negative Anunnaki, the Enlilites, the Ciakahrr and their allies the Orion Grays.

Humans have been modified to not process certain frequencies by “deleting” the portions of DNA controlling brain development that would enable them to operate in those frequencies. We cannot see the higher dimensions and planes of consciousness, which naturally evolved animals still possess.  This was done initially for exploitation and suppression but has been turned around by Source so that after Ascension, humanity will unfold into a spiritual butterfly of the most magnificent sort.

It may seem like there has been a master plan to do this all along, but that is not the case. The original goal of our creation by the Seeders was to have an ideal being evolve naturally to the highest level of abilities possible, but recently others wanted a servant class capable of taking verbal direction to extend the capabilities of those who did the genetic manipulation. The ability to be aware of the higher dimensions was deliberately removed, as was the ability to live long lives, much like planned obsolescence exists in manufacturing. As in manufacturing, this is done for the convenience of the manufacturers rather than the consumers.

It is not only our bodies that have been adapted for the convenience of those in charge but our souls as well. Earth has been referred to as a “prison planet” for a good reason. Their technology includes the ability to encircle our planet with an energy sheild to block the movement of Souls to and from it. The soul exists independently of matter, still, its memories of experiences with matter are subject to material forces. So the advanced extraterrestrial races who have interfered with our genetics have used technology to intervene with our soul between lives, reducing its ability to store and recall memories from our soul’s history. The Nebu of the Orion Alliance invested in a system to connect Earth’s people to the Orion Hive mentality. They built  large transceiver on a moon of Saturn that connect to a smaller one on our moon, It functioned as a Soul trap until enough humans were hybridized to become connected to the hive mind of the Orion Queen. Gray Hybrids remain on Earth now, left behind as the Orion Alliance lost their facilities in our solar system, and can no longer communicate with the Hive, an intervention in humanity’s future that failed for them, but not for us.

Together these two interventions have made humanity the perfect laboratory subject to craft the perfect vehicle for a Galactic Being. This is true because the soon-to-occur raising of the frequencies of our planet will cancel these interventions, and the genetic being with its eternal soul will become energized by the frequencies of pure consciousness, able to operate within the Creation using the power of their thoughts alone.

Humanity is important to the entire Universe. The plan, begun through service-to-self intention, has been taken over by Source. Choices made for the convenience of those who sought a servant have instead created the ideal vehicle for the expression of the intention of the One Creator. The reason for this is simple. In the genetic template, they added passion and emotion to a greater degree than any other being, and by taking away their ability to see higher dimensions, left them to seek truth without satisfaction; adding to this, they eliminated the soul’s connection to its past. So when the human being dies, they are filled with longing, and their soul’s release is powered by a tension unlike that in other beings. In the brief moment of death, the human soul returns to the creator and unifies for a brief moment, but because of so many unresolved experiences, it cannot remain with the Creator.

This momentary bonding with the creator happens each time a human dies. Although it does not last long, the very fact that it does means that the human soul enters n0-time and is in harmony with the entire universe during that brief moment. You can think of this as a sort of soul tempering, a process in which the soul is repeatedly exposed to the harshness of a brief life of uncertainty and them exposed to the intense love of unity before returning to the life of uncertainty. Each time a human soul unites with Source it gains a greater understanding and appreciation of Source and the Creation and a perspective of Unity.  Humanity  is precious to this Galaxy for at Ascension their vibration will spread across it with a higher loving frequency than otherwise possible. The Seeders have shared that our genetics are composed of all the advance beings from all over the Universe, combining the highest frequency genomes into one with the intention of that the new genomic frequency will be an entirely new one, one capable of resetting the base frequency of the entire Universe. We are the spark of a new Galactic Civilization that offers peace and sovereignty to all.

The creation of an ideal vehicle for consciousness that establishes a new Universal frequency has been supported by the Nine, and Intergalactic Confederation, made of the Highest Civilizations in our Universe under the supervision of Source. Although the agreement has been present, many issues have needed to be resolved during our long evolution under their guidance. the many Councils involved have offered this important aspect of the intervention in humanity’s genetics.

Humanity is now ready to become independent and self-reliant and to begin our mission on behalf of the Creator.

For the above reasons, humanity is a gift to the universe, and our ascension is well-received, and eagerly anticipated.

Dane Arr
Updated December 2022


©Copyright Dane M Arr 2018-2022

Posted by galac