Month: June 2019

SCIET Etheric Physics Webinar

Learn the Visualizable Etheric Physics designed by a Pleiades Star Seed to aid Humanity’s Ascension. Etheric Physics begins with a profound perception of the Creator and the Awareness that permeates the universe, the first action and the resulting formation of spacetime, the individualized consciousness that is within it and etheric evolution of matter. Once matter and electro-magnetics exist conventional science can be used to authenticate this approach to the Creation.

Today the best and brightest of Earth have been taught that there are no higher dimensions, no afterlife, no connections to Source, no Soul. This is by design, those at the top of the organizations responsible for teaching have been carefully selected to exclude inner knowing from acceptable thinking. Only that which supports the desired narrative is allowed.

This image displays the sixth Sacred Solid. the Dodecahedron inside of the fifth Sacred Solid, the Icosahedron. This mathematical reality is consistent with the higher frequencies being within the lower frequencies.

With over 43% of adults worldwide considered educated, how many brilliant men and women educated in colleges do not believe, only doubt. The power of belief, its ability to connect to the higher forces, to Source, is beyond them. They can only accept what is told to them and shown to them in well-footnoted publications.

SCIET Dynamics is for them. Not as I will teach it in the Webinar, but in a digital modeling application to be created when sufficient resources are available. What I can teach you in a webinar will not be understood by them without giving them the ability to create digital models of what you will be able to see in your mind without technology.

The SCIET is a means to understand the Creation as it exists in all its multiple dimensions and stages of creation. It is the same information as is given by Source to all who ask and believe they can receive it.

I meet many who know, but all knowledge is faceted and so much depends on the facet through which we enter the crystalline realty. When Source answers our questions, we are given access to all knowledge, but our questions guide what we receive. I wanted to prove and explain the Soul and that is the knowledge I was given. What I learned in twenty minutes has taken forty years to make into a teachable system that can show us what cannot be seen with our eyes, but can be seen with our minds. The success of this system will be seen when it seems obvious rather than arcane.

The Soul exists before atoms, molecules or any materiality, so no descriptive math originating from the examination of those can describe it. But all of materiality rooted in the principles of that underlie what is invisible and the Soul most of all.

This Webinar Series is designed to give you simple tools to understand how this is true. Simple ideas compounded to such incredible degrees that only true Knowing can render it understandable in its complexity. If I have succeeded in this long effort, what you learn will seem like common sense and many will feel it is something they already know, that they have heard elsewhere.

We are star seeds, we already know the truth of the creation, but sharing it with others who need to knows is not easy. The SCIET Etheric Physics Webinar is meant to provide the means to do so. Complete the short form at the link below to join us on June 29, 2019 for our first Webinar.

After you submit the form you will receive an email with numerous links to content related to the SCIET and what it reveals. It is titled SCIET Etheric Physics Webinar Support Support Email.

Thank you for your interest in the SCIET Etheric Physics Webinar!


for the PFC Leadership Council

Posted by galac